Day to Day Repairs

Day to Day Repair Service

Pembroke Street is contracted by PCH to carry 

out basic repairs and maintenance on the estate.

Please contact the PEMB office, either by  

telephone on 01752 607277 or by email, as soon as a

required repair is noticed. 

Depending on the type of repair needed, the

repair may be carried out by a member of

the PEMB maintenance team or a member of the

PCH team.

If a PEMB repair is reported, we will contact  you

within 2 working days.

If a PCH repair is reported, we will contact PCH on

your behalf.  



PEMB deal with repairs such as window repairs

and basic plumbing (but not electric showers).


Any repairs for issues such as boiler breakdown,

intercom system, leaks in the bays, PEMB will

notify the appropriate organisation for you.